A pygmy hippopotamus named Moo Deng, known for her charming personality and viral internet fame, now has a new and unexpected sponsor—Vitalik Buterin, the co-founder of Ethereum.
Thailand’s Khao Kheow Open Zoo revealed the surprising partnership, announcing that Buterin generously donated 10 million THB (around $292,000) as part of their Wildlife Sponsorship Program to support Moo Deng and her family.
The zoo expressed gratitude for Buterin’s contribution in a Dec. 26 post on social media, highlighting their plans to work together over the next two years. Responding to the news, Buterin shared his enthusiasm for supporting Moo Deng, suggesting that his initial donation of 88 ETH could grow over time.
Moo Deng rose to international prominence in 2024 through endearing social media clips that quickly made her a fan favorite. Her popularity even inspired the creation of a memecoin named MOODENG, which became a brief sensation on the Solana blockchain.
While some traders saw life-changing profits—one turning $1,300 into $3.4 million—most were not so fortunate. The token’s value plummeted by 60% from its peak, leaving the majority of participants with minimal gains or losses.
The story of Moo Deng, blending internet fame with the world of cryptocurrency, offers a glimpse into the unpredictable intersections of digital culture, philanthropy, and financial speculation. Through his support, Buterin continues to bridge these worlds in unexpected ways.